Thursday, July 23, 2015

On The Job Training

There's been a lot of buzz lately about the diner owner in Maine who screamed at a noisy toddler in her restaurant (see the story here)

The toddler proceeded to scream for over a half hour and disturb everyone in the restaurant except apparently her own parents, who did nothing to calm her down. How. Rude.

Even Garfi the Angry Cat understands

(From Garfi's instagram page)

And while I'm no advocate of out of control children, being a mother of 3 - with one child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I hope that people understand that sometimes, children are children, and that sometimes means they can be loud and jumpy.

Today I was lunching with two of my three minions at Subway.  We like our sammiches. 


The kids were thrilled to sit at one of the high top tables, not my favorite spot.  But the place was crowded and that was the only place to sit. 
We enjoyed our lunch with the usual "Stop that."  "Eat your food."  "Get your feet off the window." banter that comes with eating out with my kids.  I tend to over compensate when we go out, making sure to keep the kids as well behaved as possible.

We prepared to leave, and as my on jumped down from chair and my daughter was twirling around, a gentleman crossed the path.  My son bumped into him, and I was quick to apologize, but as I did, the man gave me the dirtiest look and shake of his head as if to say "Keep hold of you children, lady."  He looked something like this:

We were in a Subway, not a fancy non-kid friendly restaurant. I apologized for my kid's behavior.  I obviously felt bad, but this gentleman still was annoyed.  Well I'm sorry Sir, but children don't come out of the womb knowing how to act in every situation.  They need to be taught and the best way to teach them, like any other person, is with on-the-job training, so to speak.  They are going to make mistakes, they are going to break things, they are going to be loud, and yes, they are going to bump into you.  They aren't doing it on purpose, they just need to learn NOT to do it. 

So next time, Sir, if you encounter a child, please have a bit more patience.  It is likely that their designated adult is trying to teach them, and while this may not be true of ALL parents, it is true for me. 


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